Optima Racing Team (ORT) is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our members and eliminating unlawful discrimination.
The aim is for our members, noting the minimal numbers involved, to be representative of all sections of society and to feel respected and be able to give their best.
ORT – in providing services or facilities – is also committed against unlawful discrimination of members.
The policy’s purpose is to:
The organisation commits to:
This commitment includes advising coaches and all other employees/volunteers about their rights and responsibilities under the equality policy. Responsibilities include staff conducting themselves to help the organisation provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination
All members, including volunteers, should understand they, as well as the team, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow members, customers, suppliers and the public and any others in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public.
Further, sexual harassment may amount to both an employment rights matter and a criminal matter, such as in sexual assault allegations. In addition, harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – which is not limited to circumstances where harassment related to a protected characteristic – is a criminal offence
Monitoring will also include assessing how the equality policy, and any supporting action plan, are working in practice, reviewing them annually, and considering and taking action to address any issues.
The equality policy is fully supported by the ORT Management Committee.
The ORT committee and advisors have a responsibility to:
Details of the organisations grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures can be found in the ORT policy documents. This includes with whom an employee or member should raise a grievance.
Use of the organisations grievance and/or disciplinary procedures does not affect an employee’s right to make a claim to an employment tribunal within three months of the alleged discrimination.
Adopted by Committee
Feb 2016
Review date
Feb 2018
Steve McCann
Welfare Officer
Optima Racing Team